Apple has reveal a new iPhone with an improve camera, better battery life and more memory, and cut the price of the iPhone 3G immediately.
The iPhone 3GS will launch on 19th June in the US and the UK, where exclusive carrier O2 will charge GBP 440.40 for 16GB and GBP 538.30 for 32GB pay-and-go models.
review Iphone 3gs
Friday, June 12, 2009เขียนโดย Gadget-review ที่ 11:01 AM 0 ความคิดเห็น
ป้ายกำกับ: gadget, Iphone 3gs, review
Amazon's Bigger Kindle The Kindle DX may be better suited to reading
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Six higher-learning institutions will also start Kindle pilot programs this fall: Arizona State University, Case Western University, Pace University, Princeton University, Reed College, and the University of Virginia. Barbara Snyder, president of Case Western, says that her university plans to select a group of 40 students to use the Kindle DX and will compare their performance with that of students in the same classes who don't use the Kindle. "If it helps learning, we're certainly interested in going forward," Snyder says.
เขียนโดย Gadget-review ที่ 12:34 PM 0 ความคิดเห็น
ป้ายกำกับ: Amazon, Bigger Kindle, Kindle DX, newest